Code of Ethics and Conduct for preventing and combating moral and sexual harassment at work

1. Introduction

Work-Supply – Trabalho Temporário Lda, now known as Work Supply, is a temporary employment company guided in all its aspects by the principles of integrity, good faith, honesty and strict compliance with all the regulations applicable to its area of activity. Since it was founded in 2019, Work Supply has acted with rigor and transparency, requiring its employees to adopt conduct that reflects its ethical principles and values.
The creation of a Code of Conduct, in addition to complying with the legal requirement arising from Law no. 73/2017, of August 16, materializes the internal policy practiced by Work Supply.
This Code reflects the main standards of ethical and professional conduct observed by Work Supply employees and portrays the fundamental role of each employee within the organization and their reputation with third parties.

Scope of application

This Code applies to all Work Supply co-workers, regardless of their contractual arrangements, service providers and third parties who have any relationship with the company.

Principles and values

When carrying out their activities, WorkSupply employees act in accordance with the following principles:

Professionalism – employees are committed to carrying out their tasks with rigor, diligence and competence, motivated by team spirit and zeal for the company’s interests. They also ensure the quality of the commitments made and the diligent handling of all customer complaints, guaranteeing prompt and effective action to resolve the problem.

Integrity – Work Supply employees are required to behave ethically, with dignity and honesty in interpersonal relationships and with third parties linked to the company. Employees must refrain from any conduct that undermines ethical and professional values, especially corrupt practices, granting or receiving undue advantages, embezzlement, fraud, theft. It is not permitted to give, receive or accept any compensation, by virtue of the exercise of professional activity, with the intention of obtaining any benefit or advantage. Offers received, which include meals, gifts, tickets (…), must be reported promptly to management, without prejudice to their being peremptorily refused if they could constitute unethical behavior or illegal conduct.

Urbanity – Interpersonal relationships should be based on cordiality, with due respect and in a measured manner, striving for stability and a good working environment.

Legality – Employees must act in accordance with the legislation in force and ensure punctual compliance with all legal obligations.

Equality – Work Supply strives for fair and equitable treatment, equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment at Work

Under penalty of disciplinary, civil or criminal liability, any discriminatory practices, harassment in all its forms, and conduct that attacks human honor and dignity will not be tolerated.

Any conduct, gestures or words that show signs of harassment, whether moral or sexual, must be promptly reported to Management, either in person, by email or through a reporting channel, with a detailed description of all the facts and means of proof, where appropriate.

Management must collect and verify the veracity of the facts reported, and proceed with the respective disciplinary procedure, without prejudice to other responsibilities, whenever they prove to be true. Management must also guarantee the confidentiality, transparency and speed of the entire procedure until its conclusion.


WorkSupply employees are obliged to keep confidential, during the term of the employment contract and on its termination, without prejudice to the exceptions provided for by law, any and all facts and information that they have had access to as a result of carrying out their duties, and may not use them for purposes other than those previously granted to the company or to obtain any personal advantage.

Conflicts of Interest

In the event of conflicts of interest, i.e. circumstances in which there is a clash of interests or access to information that could compromise the impartiality of the decisions to be made, for example, family ties, corporate ties, the employee involved in the decision-making chain must immediately inform their line manager of this fact. A conflict of interest is considered to exist when the employee has access to information or links that could compromise the impartiality of their conduct and decisions in favor of their personal interests or those of third parties with whom they have a relationship. All situations of conflict of interest must be reported promptly to the superior and dealt with with due transparency, consideration, impartiality and respect for the ethical principles observed by the company.

Use of company assets

The equipment provided by Work Supply must only be used by employees to pursue the interests of the company and within the scope of the normal performance of their professional activity. Unless duly authorized, employees are not allowed to use resources or equipment for personal or private use.

Employees are required to take special care and care of the equipment provided by the company, as well as to use it efficiently and responsibly, in order to avoid misuse and unnecessary expenditure. Employees are also required to comply with health and safety rules at work and to adopt so-called “environmentally friendly” conduct.

Protection of personal data

The personal data of employees, customers and third parties linked to Work Supply is processed in accordance with the applicable legislation in force.

Final considerations

All the precepts arising from this code must be observed by employees, service providers and third parties linked to Work Supply, under penalty of disciplinary and civil liability actions being brought against offenders. Any employee may, in the event of a breach of these rules or precepts, report it to Management, which must diligently and swiftly investigate the facts reported.

Entry into force

This code comes into force immediately after its publication on the Work Supply website.

You can download our Code of Conduct here.

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